Front Royal, Virginia Getting a DC Fast Charger


DC Fast Charger w/ SAE Combo at Visitors Center

A DC Fast Charger for CHAdeMO and SAE Combo equipped cars is being installed in downtown Front Royal, Virginia. A concrete pad and signs for two parking spaces to be reserved for EV charging are already in place in the parking lot of the Front Royal Visitors Center at 415 E. Main Street.

Equipment Donated by Nissan North America

The Town Council approved a plan at their August 24, 2015 General Meeting to accept a donation of an electric vehicle fast charger from the Nissan North America EV Advantage Program. The value of the equipment and services being provided by Nissan is $38,000. The Town of Front Royal will pay for the installation costs and pay $600.00 to cover four years of Greenlots software and support services. The town must also commit to keeping the charging equipment in place, maintained and accessible to the general public at all times for at least five years. Read More …

EV Charging Stations Under Solar Array at CCBC Catonsville Campus


Huge Solar Array at CCBC Catonsville

The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) Catonsville campus has installed rows of solar panels covering parking lots 6 and 8. This is part of a 5.1-megawatt solar generation system that will have about 16,500 photovoltaic panels covering more than 1,400 parking spaces at the three main campuses including Dundalk and Essex.


Eight Electric Vehicle Charging Ports

Four dual-port ChargePoint charging stations capable of charging eight electric vehicles at once are installed, but not yet operational under the solar canopy in Catonsville. There will also be four dual-port charging stations at Essex and three at the Dundalk campus. Read More …

Nags Head Tanger Outlets – First Public Charging on Outer Banks 

photo: @verastamps

The Tanger Outlet in Nags Head, NC has a dual-port EV charging station, the first public EV charging on the Outer Banks. The ChargePoint CT-4000 model was installed in August, 2015.

This charging station is a welcome addition for EV drivers who vacation on the Outer Banks.

Tanger Outlet Map
It has 6.6 kW of power that’s shared between the two ports. One of the two parking spaces is a reserved handicapped parking spot. There’s no fee to use the station. Charging is provided by Tanger Outlets as a service to draw customers and enhance their sustainability initiatives.

$100 Fine for ICEing an EV Charging Spot in Washington, DC

Virginia and Maryland have no statewide law to prohibit “ICEing” an EV charging spot. But in Washington, DC, you are subject to a $100.00 fine if you get ticketed for parking a vehicle in an EV charging spot unless it is an electric vehicle being charged.

The Washington “Anti-ICEing” law is presented in the D.C. Municipal Regulations (DCMR) as being adopted in 2011. The penalty for ICEing is the same as for unauthorized parking in a car-sharing (e.g. zipcar) spot. Read More …

MOM’s Organic Market Woodbridge: Five EV Charging Stations

Woodbridge MOMs Market EV Charging
photo: MOM’s

Including a CHAdeMO Fast Charger

MOM’s Organic Market will hold a Grand Opening event this Friday – Sunday, Sept. 11-13, 2015 at their newest location in Woodbridge, Virginia. Like most other MOM’s stores, Woodbridge will have free electric vehicle charging stations. There are four SemaConnect Level 2 stations and a Fuji CHAdeMO DC fast charger that works at 25 kW.

Test Drives of Electric Vehicles

MOM’s has said that the Grand Opening will feature test driving of electric vehicles as well as music, raffles, goodie bags and local vendor tastings.

Store is Open Now

The store has just announced that they are ahead of schedule and have opened the doors as of Thursday, Sept. 10th at noon.

The MOM’s is located at 14470 Smoketown Road, Woodbridge, VA 22193.

The Grand Opening hours are 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.


Renaissance Capital View Tesla Destination Charging

Renaissance Capital View Tesla Tuesday
Renaissance Capital View on Tesla Tuesday, Sept 8, 2015

Four Charging Stations in Hotel Garage in Crystal City

Tesla Motors has partnered with the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Crystal City, VA to provide four charging stations so that guests can plug in while they stay overnight or dine in the restaurant. As you enter the hotel’s underground garage off of South Potomac Ave., you will see a red Tesla sign designating the charging stations on level G1 at the bottom of the first entrance ramp.
Parking garage level G1

Tesla HPWC and ClipperCreek J-1772 Charging Stations

There are two High Power Wall Connectors (HPWC) for Model S on the right that are set to deliver around 60 Amps. To the left are two universal J-1772 charging stations made by ClipperCreek that fit most other production electric vehicles.
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EV Charging on the National Mall in Washington, DC

Think charging EVSE

The National Park Service has installed two curbside electric vehicle charging stations on the National Mall in Washington, DC. One is on Madison Drive by the Air and Space Museum, the other is on Jefferson Drive near the National Museum of American History. NPS received a grant from the Department of Energy Clean Cities program to install the stations. Each of the two charging stations serve one vehicle and are available to the public.

parkingsign01 The parking spots adjacent to the charging stations are marked with signs stating, “[no parking] except for electric vehicles charging.” The signs were being observed and respected by ICE vehicles on a recent visit to both spots on a weekend. There are no parking meters on those sections of street so parking is free. There is a three hour limit and other restrictions for other spaces along the streets. Not sure if the same restrictions apply to the charging space itself.

The cost to use the charging stations is $2.00 per hour, selected in advance in 15 minute increments. The fee is paid via a credit card reader on the side of the unit which is manufactured by EVSE LLC, a subsidiary of Control Module, Inc.
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Blacksburg, Virginia Fast Charger Coming Soon

UPDATE: Ribbon Cutting October 13, 2015 at 2:30 pm


DC Fast Charger in Town Hall Parking Lot


Blacksburg, Virginia plans to open the town’s first DC Fast Charger at a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 15, 2015. Workers were at the site in the Blacksburg Municipal Building (Town Hall) parking lot on the morning of September 2nd and confirmed the location of the dual SAE Combo / CHAdeMO unit in the corner of the lot at the spot circled in the photo. Two parking spaces will be reserved for the EV charging station and it will be free to use.

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