Charging Cables Missing From Belcamp Park and Ride

SHA June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015 – Still out of order.

UPDATE: June 8, 2015, Maryland State Highway Administration responded that they are aware of the situation and that efforts have been made to get the situation resolved.

Belcamp Park and Ride Charging Stations
photo by @verastamps

The J-1772 connectors and cables on the two SemaConnect charging stations at the Belcamp Park and Ride lot are missing. The charging cables apparently were severed and taken sometime in the month of December. I had called SemaConnect a few months ago to ask about the status of these stations and was told that they were scheduled to be moved at some point in the future but they had no information as to where they might be moving to.

Belcamp Park and Ride SemaConnect station
photo by @verastamps

It is unfortunate that these Level 2 charging stations are no longer in service. I have used them on a number of long trips over the years including the Pennsylvania Amish Country EV Road Trip last September.


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Ten 120v Outlets in Annapolis Level 1 EV Charging Pilot


I had heard that Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) had received a grant from the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) for a pilot program of 10 Level 1 EV charging stations in the Calvert Street Garage in Annapolis. The garage, at 19 St. Johns St., is very close to the House of Delegates office building where I testified last week. So, when I was headed back to my car, I decided to take a shortcut through the garage (which is reserved for state employees during business hours) to see if I could spot them.

Sure enough, on the bottom floor, on the wall on the right as you would enter by car, were ten 120v outlets positioned at chest level, one in front of each parking spot for an entire row of spaces. Each outlet box was labeled with a strip of white tape, “CAR CHARGER,” followed by numbers 1 through 10. The outlet boxes were supplied by wiring in brand new metal conduit. Each box had a pair of 20 Amp GFCI sockets under a hinged plastic cover.
120v car charging outlet

There were no signs up yet identifying the EV charging spots but I expect they may be placed soon. The garage already houses one of the first public charging stations in the state. It is a dual port L1/L2 ChargePoint station and I saw that two cars were using it when I walked by on Thursday. There are 720 parking spaces in the entire garage with 12 spots, or almost 2% of the spaces, dedicated to plug-in vehicle charging.
When the 120v EV charging outlets were first proposed, DGS had three concerns, liability for possible damage to cars, the garage was already at full capacity and nobody was asking for more charging stations. Evidently, those objections were overcome and it will be interesting to follow how successful the pilot program will become. The garage is open to the public on weekdays after 6:00 PM and all day Saturday and Sunday.


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Dealers Support, GM Opposes Bill to Allow Tesla Sales in Maryland

Jeff Cadman arrives in Annapolis to support bill to allow Tesla to sell electric cars in Maryland.
Model S driver Jeff Cadman arrives in Annapolis to support bill to allow Tesla to sell electric cars in Maryland.

Yesterday, I joined Bob Erdman and Jeff Cadman in Annapolis to show support for Maryland House Bill 235. This bill, introduced by Delegate Kirill Reznik of Montgomery County, would allow Tesla and other qualifying Electric Vehicle manufacturers to sell cars directly to consumers. Currently, Tesla is limited by state law from any sales activity including discussing price with potential buyers.

Jeff and Bob both own a Tesla Model S. In his letter to the committee, Jeff noted that when visitors to the Tesla Gallery in Montgomery Mall ask for pricing and ordering information, the employees have to refer them to the Tesla website. “The situation is both confusing for the customers and frustrating for the employees.”

Bob told the committee that he had to go to Washington, DC to discuss price and order his car. He explained why he thought it is important to allow manufacturers of electric vehicles such as Tesla to directly represent and sell the cars they make. “It takes an extra effort to educate the potential buyer of this new technology.” See his testimony at 25:55 into the video.

Jen Brock-Cancellieri, Deputy Director, Maryland League of Conservation Voters also testified in support of the bill. She said, “This bill will encourage the sale of more electric vehicles in Maryland.” She added that the current law is bad news for the state because it is limiting the electric vehicle market.

The Maryland Automobile Dealers Association, unlike the dealers associations in some other states, has been cooperative. They have worked together with the bill’s sponsor to agree to allow a limited number of Tesla dealerships in the state. Delegate Reznik proposes allowing Tesla to have up to six locations in Maryland. The President of the Maryland Dealers Association testified in support of the bill with amendments.

The only ones to appear in opposition to the bill were two attorneys representing General Motors. GM wants the bill to limit Tesla to the two facilities that they currently have in Maryland, the Gallery in Montgomery Mall and the Service Center in Rockville. You can watch the testimony from GM starting at 36:30 on the video.

This bill still has a long way to go. Next, it will be sent to a subcommittee and then back to the Environment and Transportation Committee to vote. If you’d like to speak up, it’s not too late. The members of the House Environment and Transportation Committee are listed here.

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Legislation Introduced to Lift Ban on Tesla Sales in Maryland

Tesla Gallery in Westfield Mall, Bethesda, Maryland
Tesla Gallery in Westfield Mall, Bethesda, Maryland

House Environment and Transportation Committee Hearing on 2/19/15 at 1:00 PM

The Baltimore Sun has published a front page feature story with the headline, “Legislation could open the door for Tesla to sell its cars in Maryland.” State Delegate Kirill Reznik from District 39 in Montgomery County has introduced House Bill 235 which would lift the current ban on direct sales by Tesla Motors in the state.

Maryland HB235 would authorize a manufacturer to be licensed as a vehicle dealer if that manufacturer deals only in electric or non fossil-fuel burning vehicles and if no dealer in the State holds a franchise.

There will be a hearing on HB235 in the House Environment and Transportation Committee at 1:00 on February 19, 2015. Here is the schedule.

There are several ways you can express your opinion to Maryland lawmakers on HB 235.
1. Write to the members of the House Environment and Transportation Committee. Find a list of the committee members and their contact info here.
2. Go to Annapolis on Thursday afternoon to give your testimony in person. See these tips for attending a committee hearing.

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Ten Charging Stations Coming to Chesapeake College

Chesapeake College Solar ProjectChesapeake College wind turbineIf you’ve driven Rt. 50 on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, you’ve no doubt seen it. Towering high above the fields north of Easton, the white, three-bladed wind turbine marks the site of the Wye Mills campus of Chesapeake College. The 50 kW wind turbine was erected in 2011 and generates enough power to save the regional community college $12,000 – $15,000 a year.

Chesapeake College now plans to give a big boost to its sustainability initiative by adding 2-megawatts of solar power generation. The system is expected to supply 35 percent of the electricity for the college and save $100,000 per year in energy costs. Under a 20-year power-purchase agreement with Solar City, the California-based company will erect solar panels on six acres of open land on the rural campus and build a solar canopy over a new 250 car parking lot.

Chesapeake College Solar Parking Canopy
Location of the ten electric vehicle charging stations and solar parking lot.

Chesapeake College cut its energy consumption by 16 percent in an energy-awareness campaign started five years ago. With the addition of the wind turbine and solar arrays, the school hopes to eventually reach its goal to become carbon neutral. The solar project is the largest of its type at any community college in Maryland. The solar parking canopy will include ten electric vehicle charging stations that will be open to the public.

Director of Facilities at Chesapeake College, Anthony Patterson, tells me that the EV charging stations are planned to open by late summer or fall. There will be a fee to use the stations.

Chesapeake College new parking lot expansion
Construction of the solar parking lot in October, 2014.


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UPDATE: Howard County Parking Enforcement

My phone rang and the voice at the other end said he was Sergeant Baker of the Howard County Police. I had left a message for an Auxiliary Police Supervisor last week about enforcement of parking restrictions at electric vehicle charging stations in the county. I had been referred to the supervisor by a very nice volunteer Auxiliary officer who happened to be on the scene of a blocked charging station several weeks ago when I arrived to charge my car there. He was responding to a reported parking violation that had been called in by another EV driver.

The Auxiliary officer was unfamiliar with the aspect of the new law in Howard County that prohibits an ICE vehicle from blocking a charging station even on private property if the property owner has posted a sign designating the space for EVs only. He was in contact with someone via radio but for whatever reason, they were not able to find or interpret the law and he ended up leaving a warning and not a citation for the gasoline car.
warning notice
Before he contacted me, Sgt. Baker had looked at Section 21.207 of the Howard County Code as it pertains to enforcement at charging stations on private property. He agreed that the law is enforceable on private property when there is a sign posted. He said that he will mention this at the next meeting with the Auxiliary officers on February 17th. He said he would also send out an email to all Howard County Police officers about the parking restrictions at electric vehicle charging stations. That is fantastic and I really appreciate the response from the Howard County Police. All of the officers that I’ve talked to about this have been very helpful and pleasant.
As I wrote in an article in the May, 2014 issue of Current EVents, the laws by themselves won’t completely solve the problem of ICEing. Effective signage and proper siting also plays a part in the solution. I do not advocate the promise of more revenue from fines as a reason for a community to enact legislation. If that many tickets are being given, each citation represents a failure to keep the charging station available for its intended use. However, where there is a problem of gas vehicles blocking EV drivers from charging, it reinforces the wrong message, that it is OK to park an ICE vehicle there. Enforcement depends on violations being reported.

I’ve created a new page on for reference on the local laws in Maryland prohibiting “ICEing” and the non-emergengy phone numbers to call to report violations. Click “LOCAL LAWS” on the main menu.


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SAE Combo & CHAdeMO Dual Fast Charger in Ashland, VA

Mac's Service Center in Ashland, VA DC Fast Charger
Looking for the first SAE Combo Fast Charger in the Washington, DC area? It turns out that you may have to travel almost to Richmond to find it. On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, Mac McManus of Mac’s Service Center cut the ceremonial ribbon to inaugurate a dual-port DC Fast Charger with both CHAdeMO and CCS charging options at his hybrid and electric specialty repair shop in Ashland, VA.

This is probably the first public SAE Combo station in this part of the country and the first DC Fast Charger in the Richmond area other than the Tesla Superchargers in Glen Allen. It is a Signet Systems FC50K-CC-S 50 kW model.
Mac's Service Center has first DC Fast Charger in Richmond, VA area
Virginia Clean Cities was on hand for the grand opening. They partnered with Mac’s Service Center in the installation which reportedly cost $55,000. The representative from Virginia Clean Cities said there are more fast chargers to be installed in the state from Staunton to Virginia Beach. The next closest fast charger at the moment is a CHAdeMO station at a Nissan dealer in Fredericksburg, VA.
Mac's Service Center and Virginia Clean Cities open DC Fast Charger in Ashland, VA
McManus says the Fast Charger is free for now and available 24/7. You will need the Greenlots smartphone app to start a session. There are restaurants nearby and you can stop in to check out Mac’s which services all types of hybrid and electric cars. They have plenty of electric and hybrid car info on the Mac’s Service Center Facebook page.

Video of the ribbon cutting ceremony on February 4, 2015.


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Antwerpen Nissan DC Fast Charger in Clarksville, MD

Antwerpen Nissan EV Charger wide
There has been a flurry of activity in the past couple of months of DC Fast Chargers being installed in Montgomery and Howard Counties in Maryland. The NRG eVgo station at the Enchanted Forest in Ellicott City and another NRG eVgo charger in Olney are just two examples. Add yet another CHAdeMO Fast Charger to the list, Antwerpen Nissan in Clarksville, MD has just installed a unit at their dealership.
Antwerpen Nissan EV Charger Card Reader
This unit appears to be connected to the NRG eVgo network and will charge a Nissan Leaf to about 80% in 30 minutes.
Antwerpen Nissan EV Charger Reserved Spot
There continues to be problems with Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles blocking charging stations in Howard County despite a new law, but the management of Antwerpen Nissan is using the effective, but not ideal, trick of placing an orange marker in the space to discourage ICEing. There are a number of Level 2 charging stations in Clarksville that I’ve used when taking road trips west on Route 32. This is a welcome addition for CHAdeMO-equipped vehicles.


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First Peek at Maryland eVIP Fast-Charger Map

Gray = Existing DC Fast Charger Sites | Green, Red & Yellow = New Fast Charger Sites
Gray = Existing DC Fast Charger Sites | Green, Red & Yellow = New Fast Charger Sites

A report was released today that contained this map associated with a description of the Maryland electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program (eVIP). The eVIP program, announced last April, is a $1 million competitive grant meant to seed private investment in the build-out of a statewide fast charging network.

At the time it was announced, the network was proposed to encourage Interstate travel and extend as far west as Deep Creek Lake in Garrett County. However, this map shows only two sites west of Howard County and no sites west of Hagerstown.

The grant program is administered by the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) with participation of the Maryland Departments of Environment (MDE) and Transportation (MDOT) and Maryland Clean Cities Coalition.

I am seeking additional details, including the addresses of the sites chosen. I will report updates as I learn them.


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