EV Legislative Update, Week of Jan. 27, 2020

Today begins the fourth week of the 60-day legislative session in Richmond. Two electric vehicle bills have already made significant progress. Several other pieces of legislation have hearings on the agenda today and tomorrow.

Action on Two Virginia Bills

Here is an update for EV-related legislation in Richmond:

SB 630, a “Right-to-Charge” bill has passed the Senate (39-Y 1-N). This bill, sponsored by Senator Scott Surovell aims to make it easier for residents to install EV charging equipment at condos and homes governed by an HOA. It will head to the House next.

HB 511 was reported from the Transportation Committee with amendments (20-Y 2-N). This would give authority to enable state government agencies to operate retail fee-based electric vehicle charging stations on property controlled by the agency. This bill, sponsored by Del. David Bulova, is similar to charging station legislation he got passed in 2018.

Hearings This Week in Richmond

SB 988 would authorize Dominion Energy to implement projects to encourage the adoption of electric school buses. It is on the agenda for today’s Senate Commerce and Labor, Energy Subcommittee meeting scheduled for 4:00 PM.

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Tip: Be Kind, Rewind – Hang Up the Charging Cable

damaged EV charging cable
photo: Damaged EV charging cable

Loose Charging Cables Susceptible to Damage

Here’s a quick tip to help keep the public EV charging infrastructure attractive, safe and operating well. Upon completing a charging session, take a few moments to hang up the charging cable so that it is completely off the ground.

It’s tempting to just put the charging connector in the holster and let the cable go. Please consider taking a few extra seconds to hang up the cable too. No need to be too fancy, just a couple big loops so that no part of the cable is touching the ground.

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Maryland EV Tax Credit – Major Funding Increase Proposed

Maryland Capitol Annapolis

Latest Update: Maryland EV Tax Credit Status as of June, 2020

The Clean Cars Act of 2020 proposes to increase the funding for the Maryland electric vehicle excise tax credit. Annual funding would increase from $6,000,000 to $12,000,000 through fiscal year 2023 under the proposal by Governor Larry Hogan.

Governor Hogan Wants to Double Funding to $12 Million Annually

Under the proposal, the Maryland Department of Transportation will not approve tax credits after the $12 million allocated for each fiscal year runs out. Applicants will then be put on a waiting list the same as they have done previously.

Maryland Clean Cars Act

The Clean Cars Act of 2020 (SB277 & HB359) would also extend the term of the Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC) until 2023.

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Nashville V3 Tesla Supercharger

Nashville Supercharger V3

Music City – Nashville Supercharger

Johnny Cash. The name conjures images of Nashville, the home of Country Music. Johnny’s hit “I’ve Been Everywhere” is an essential on any self-respecting road trip playlist.

This past weekend, we took an 1,800 mile road trip through Kentucky and Tennessee. The Tesla odometer hit 125,000 miles shortly before we rolled into Nashville. A huge billboard advertising the Johnny Cash Museum featured the stern faced “Man in Black” staring down at traffic.

The Nashville Supercharger was flagged as temporarily closed on the Tesla Navigation screen but we had read that it was operating at a limited capacity. Indeed, the stalls were about half-filled when we pulled up and the juice flowed when we plugged in.

V3 – High-Powered – 250 kW

The Nashville, TN Supercharger is one of the first Version 3 (V3) Tesla Superchargers. Few exist outside of California at the moment. This was a rare opportunity to see one in action.

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Get Out and Drive… Electric

Map and mug. Get out and Drive Electric

Find New Plug In Sites

Ready for a weekend road trip? Sure, it’s the middle of January. But every season — winter, spring, summer or fall — is the season to drive electric. Grab a cup of coffee and a map, find out where the charging stations are, and get out and drive.

Electric road tripping is as old as the dawn of the automobile age. In 1908, Oliver P. Fritchle drove his “100-Mile Electric” from Nebraska to New York City and then to DC. He managed 2,140 miles in the open cockpit of his Victoria Coupe during the months of November and December. Fritchle survived the cold days and frigid nights with only a coat and lap blanket. [Fritchle Arrives in New York in an Electric]

More recently, a reporter for the same newspaper that reported Fritchle’s successful arrival in New York a century earlier, attempted to drive a Tesla up the east coast using the newly opened Superchargers in Delaware and Connecticut. The New York Times then published a photo of the red Model S on a flatbed truck with the headline, “Stalled Out on Tesla’s Electric Highway.” That controversial trip happened on January 23-24, 2013. Hard to believe it was seven years ago.

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Indiana Considers Repeal of $150 Annual Electric Vehicle Fee

Indiana Annual Electric Vehicle Fee

Indiana may be the first state in the nation to reconsider their supplemental fee on electric vehicles. In 2017, the Indiana legislature added an annual fee of $150 to register an electric vehicle and $50 to register a hybrid vehicle. House Bill 1227 introduced by Rep. Carey Hamilton and Rep. Rita Fleming would repeal those supplemental fees entirely.

Lost Gasoline Tax Revenue

State legislatures have been targeting plug-in electric vehicles for extra annual registration fees in recent years. About half the states charge these additional fees to make up for lost revenue on state gasoline taxes. West Virginia enacted a $200 annual fee on electric vehicles in 2017.

Electric Vehicle Fee Fair or Punitive?

Last year, Illinois proposed a $1,000 registration fee on electric cars that caused an outcry before they backed off and passed the bill with a lower amount. Some EV advocates say the fees are punitive and chills the market for cleaner cars. Others say it’s fair that all drivers contribute to the cost of the roads.

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West Coast Electric Highway – Featured Plug In Site

West Coast Electric Highway CHAdeMO in Woodburn, Oregon
Woodburn, Oregon Fast Charging Station

Canada to Mexico on the West Coast Electric Highway

Electric vehicle drivers can more easily take road trips using the West Coast Electric Highway charging network. The north-south EV routes include Interstate 5, California Routes 101 and 99. The I-5 route stretches from Canada to Mexico. [Map]

The project is coordinated by the Washington State Dept. of Transportation, Oregon Dept. of Transportation and the California Governor’s Office.

The network is anchored by AeroVironment Fast Chargers that are CHAdeMO only. These fast chargers are located between 25 and 50 miles from each other. There are also hundreds of J1772 Level 2 charging stations on the routes.

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Maryland “Right to Charge” at Condos & HOAs Proposed

A Right to Charge bill before the Maryland legislature would require that the governing body of a condominium or HOA approve requests to install electric vehicle charging equipment provided that certain conditions are met.

Addresses Challenges for Multi-Unit Housing Residents

Maryland House Bill 111, sponsored by Delegate Marc Korman, would help establish guidelines and a process for condo boards and home owners associations to approve a resident’s application to install an EV charging station. The resident must pay all the costs, obtain any required permits and follow applicable laws and regulations associated with installing the charging equipment.

Synopsis of Maryland HB 111

Providing that certain provisions of a recorded covenant or restriction, a declaration, or the bylaws or rules of a condominium or homeowners association are void and unenforceable if they prohibit or unreasonably restrict the installation or use of electric vehicle recharging equipment; requiring certain owners of electric vehicle recharging equipment to be responsible for certain costs and disclosures; requiring a unit owner or lot owner to obtain certain permits or approval; etc.

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Rock Springs, Wyoming Downtown – Featured Plug In Site

Main Street EV Charging

The city of Rock Springs, Wyoming is proud of its rich multinational heritage. The main thoroughfare is lined with the flags of dozens of countries representing Rock Springs as the “Home of 56 Nationalities” due to the immigrants who came from all over the world to work in the local coal mines that fueled the Union Pacific Railroad locomotives.

The city installed two EV charging ports on their historic Main Street in August, 2019. We used them when we stopped in Rock Springs during a drive across the US on the old Lincoln Highway in September.

These are the first publicly available universal J1772 electric vehicle charging stations in Sweetwater County. Wyoming, being the least populous state in the union, has few EV charging stations. Rock Springs already hosted a Tesla Supercharger due to it being along the route of I-80 which runs across Wyoming. A hotel near the highway also has several Tesla destination charging stations.

Fee Free Charging

The city debated installing a commercial networked EV charging station that could collect a fee. But according to an article in the Rocket Miner, they would have had to spend $15,000 to do so. The city decided to spend $5,500 on material and labor to install two ClipperCreek Level 2 stations. This savings allow them to provide the electricity for free. The benefit for the city is that the charging stations will bring people downtown.

Location: 501 S. Main St., Rock Springs, WY