The Electrify America charging site in Columbia, Maryland has reopened after being closed for six weeks to replace the hardware.
New Equipment is Supposed to be More Reliable
On Monday September 28, 2020, workers showed up to begin a pre-announced equipment upgrade. They put up a chain link fence which remained in place until Wednesday November 11th. New ABB chargers are now in the same configuration as another brand they replaced. Two dispensers have a maximum output of 350 kW and the rest are 150 kW. The cables on the new units are more flexible and a little bit longer than before.

There’s still only one CHAdeMO connector which means there’s no redundancy if it fails or is in use. Each space is now designated with white pavement markings that says, EV CHARGING ONLY. This augments the official, NO PARKING EXCEPT WHILE CHARGING signs that allow the police to enforce the Howard County Anti-ICEing ordinance.

Hopefully these EV charging stations will build confidence for EV drivers and utilization will increase. Welcome back.
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