Howard County Anti-ICEing Bill CB7-2016 Public Hearing

Video of the public hearing on Howard County Council Bill 7-2016 on Feb. 16, 2016.

Lanny Hartmann, Scott Wilson and Vladi Ivanov provided testimony in person. Mark Czajka, Director of MD Volt, Inc. provided written testimony in support of the bill.

Howard County CB7-2016 will add the following two sentences to the existing anti-ICEing law:


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Maryland Anti-ICEing Bill Hearing March 3, 2016 1:00 PM


Environment and Transportation Committee

Maryland House Bill, HB-839 [PDF link] concerning Reserved Parking Spaces for Plug–In Electric Vehicles, is scheduled for a hearing in Annapolis on March 3rd, 2016. The hearing will be before the House Environment and Transportation Committee at 1:00 PM.

HB-839 is sponsored by Delegate Clarence Lam who represents District 12 with parts of Howard and Baltimore Counties. I have spoken with his staff a number of times as this bill was being drafted. The latest update is that they intend to submit an amendment to remove the “connected to charging equipment” language from the bill.

How to Testify

If you wish to testify, you must sign in before the hearing begins. You may also submit written testimony. Be sure to follow the Witness Guidelines for the Environment and Transportation Committee for all written and oral testimony.

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites for details as they develop.

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$100 Fine and Towing Proposed in Maryland “Anti-ICEing” Bill

PlugInSites_org_NJTP_NoParking_SignMaryland State Delegate Clarence Lam has introduced a bill to prohibit parking at a designated EV charging station unless the vehicle is plugged in. The bill, HB-839 [PDF link] concerning Reserved Parking Spaces for Plug–In Electric Vehicles, is the fourth attempt at “anti-ICEing” legislation in the Maryland General Assembly.

Here are highlights of the bill.

Cars Must be Plugged In
UPDATE: The requirement to be connected is subject to be removed.

Unless the vehicle is a plug–in electric drive vehicle that is connected to charging equipment for charging purposes, a person may not stop, stand, or park the vehicle in a designated plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space.

Sign and Green Pavement Markings Specified

A sign designating a plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space shall:
(1) Be at least 18 inches high and 12 inches wide;
(2) Be clearly visible to the driver of a motor vehicle
entering the plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space; and
(3) State that a motor vehicle parked in violation of this section may be ticketed, towed, or removed at the owner’s expense.
(d) A plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space shall be indicated by green pavement markings.

Towing Provision Included

(1) A privately owned parking facility may have a vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked in violation of this section towed or removed in accordance with subtitle 10a of this title.
(2) A parking facility owned by a local jurisdiction may have a vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked in violation of this section ticketed, towed, or removed if authorized by local law.

$100 Fine for ICEing

A person who violates § 21–1003.2 of this article (“unauthorized parking in a plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space”) is subject to a civil penalty of $100.

Hearing Date is March 3, 2016

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites, for details of when the hearing will be held.

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Maryland “Anti-ICEing” Bill Has 9 Co-Sponsors


The statewide “anti-ICEing” law being proposed in Maryland will have nine co-sponsors when it is introduced to the House Environment and Transportation Committee.

Plug In Sites had learned that primary sponsor, Delegate Clarence Lam who represents parts of Howard & Baltimore Counties, has lined up nine co-sponsors including the Chairman of the Environment and Transportation Committee, Kumar Barve.

Members of Environment and Transportation Committee Among Co-Sponsors

In addition to Chairman Barve and Del. Lam, two other members, David Fraser-Hidalgo and Stephen Lafferty, of the 24 member Environment and Transportation Committee are co-sponsors of the bill. This is significant because the first step for the bill is to get out of the Committee and four of the members are presumably already supportive. This is in contrast to SB168, the “HOA charging bill” which had only one co-sponsor and no sponsors on the Judicial Proceedings Committee. That bill was quickly voted down by the Committee.

List of Co-Sponsors

Primary Sponsor: Clarence Lam, Co-Sponsors: Kumar Barve, Eric Ebersole, David Fraser-Hidalgo, Bill Frick, Carol Krimm, Stephen Lafferty, Eric Luedtke, Andrew Platt and Frank Turner.

More Details Soon

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites, we expect to report additional details including the text of the bill and a hearing date shortly.

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Message to Maryland EV Advocates from Howard County Council Member Jen Terrasa


The following is a message concerning a proposed change to “anti-ICEing” legislation in Howard County Maryland that would make the prohibitions against parking a non plug-in car at a charging station enforceable on private property as well as county-owned property.

Enforcement of Designated Electric Vehicle plug-in Parking Spaces – CB7-2016

In 2014, I was proud to sponsor Council Bill 36-2014 which passed with the support of my colleague Council Chairperson Calvin Ball.  This bill ensured posted parking spaces with electric vehicle charging stations would be reserved only for plug-in vehicles.  As you know, encouraging individual residents to make choices that reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions is an important aspect of what the County can do, not only to reduce the carbon footprint of County Government operations, but also to help reduce the overall carbon footprint of our community.  We must seek to develop a robust network of charging stations throughout the County which will be essential to making electric vehicles a viable and convenient alternative.  Tantamount will be safeguarding those charging spaces for plug-in vehicles as they are critical to the growing acceptance and long-term success of electric vehicles.  

While Council Bill 36-2014 was an important step forward, varying legal interpretations of the Police Department’s authority to enforce EV parking spaces on private property became apparent.  Monday, Councilman Ball and I were pleased to introduce Council Bill 7-2016 which gives the Howard County Police Department the express authority to ticket non electric vehicles in designated EV parking spaces on both public and private property.  Council Bill 7-2016 provides another significant advancement toward a cleaner and greener future for Howard County.   

There will be an opportunity to provide public comment on this matter and other bills before the Council on February 16, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building.  If you would like to testify at the public hearing, you can sign-up in person at the hearing, or you register in advance online here. You may also submit written testimony, comments or questions to me directly at, and to Councilman Ball at  if you would like to share your testimony with the entire Council, please email

 As an advocate for electric vehicles, your input and support on this important legislation would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

Jen &  Calvin

Maryland Bill to Facilitate Charging at Condos & HOAs – Hearing on February 2nd


Maryland Senate Bill 168, to facilitate EV charging in multi-unit housing communities, including those governed by a condominium or homeowners association, is scheduled for a hearing in Annapolis on February 2nd, 2016. The hearing will be before the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and starts at 1:00 PM.

SB 168 is sponsored by Sen. Brian Feldman. I have spoken with his Chief of Staff and they encourage people to come to the hearing to testify. Hopefully a few EV drivers will be there to explain to the Committee members the challenges faced when attempting to charge an EV at a condo, rental or property governed by an HOA.


If you wish to testify, you must sign in outside of the hearing room by noon on the day of the hearing. You may also submit written testimony. Be sure to follow the Guidelines for the Judicial Proceedings Committee.

You are welcome to contact me and I will help coordinate with Sen. Feldman’s office to get you signed in to testify or to make copies of your written testimony to distribute to the Committee members.

Howard County Anti-ICEing Law Update – Police to Enforce on Private Property


Remember that Howard County Law that was meant to punish drivers that ICEd charging stations? When I checked with the police last year, only one ticket had been written and a memo had been sent to the entire force that the law was unenforceable except on County-owned property. That certainly wasn’t our intent when we advocated for the law.

After many conversations with the Howard County Police, County Attorneys, my Council representative and state lawmakers, the law is finally going to be “fixed” so there will be a deterrent at the charging stations in the county where ICEing continues to be a problem such as at the Columbia Association’s Athletic Club parking lot.

Earlier today, a bill was prefiled that will fix the ambiguity in the Howard County Code that has prevented the police from enforcing the anti-ICEing law on private property.

The bill, CB7-2016, will be introduced at the February 1st County Council Legislative Session and voted on at the March 7th session. A public hearing is scheduled for February 16.

The new bill will add the following two sentences:

The new language has been vetted by the Howard County Office of Law, the police union and the County Police Chief. Once it is passed, the police will be able to respond to complaints of ICEing at charging spots on private property provided the spots are designated with signs that meet the criteria spelled out in the law.

Thank you to the EV drivers who wrote, called, testified and supported the previous bill. Also thanks to Council Members Jen Terrasa and Calvin Ball who sponsored this bill and Kate McLeod, Special Assistant to Ms. Terrasa, who worked on the bill and kept us in communication.

A state-wide anti-ICEing bill is being proposed for the 2016 Maryland General Assembly.


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SB168 – Bill to Lift Charging Restrictions at Condos and HOAs

There are several bills before the 2016 session of the Maryland General Assembly that will affect electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Senate Bill (SB) 168 would lift restrictions at condos and HOAs and require landlords to approve a tenant’s request to install electric vehicle recharging equipment. This bill is based on California Assembly Bill (AB) 2565 which gives multi-unit housing tenants the right to install a charging station at their residence as long as the tenant pays for the costs of installation, maintenance, electricity and subsequent removal upon moving. Many potential plug-in vehicle drivers reside in apartments, condos or property governed by an HOA and this is a consequential issue for many.

SB168 was introduced by Sen. Brian Feldman of Montgomery County. He sponsored a similar bill in 2015, SB 762 which never got out of the Judicial Matters Committee.

Last year, there were letters opposing Senate Bill 762 submitted by special interest groups including the Maryland Multi-Housing Association, NAIOP – The Association for Commercial Real Estate and the Apartment and The Building Owners and Managers Association of Greater Baltimore (BOMA).

Here is a link to a comparison that highlights the differences in the text of the bill from last year. Note that the insurance requirement is $1,000,000 in the present bill, where it was $300,000 last year. UPDATE: an amendment has been filed to change the insurance requirement back to $300,000.