Pepco EVsmart Charger Audit – October 2, 2024

Pepco Charger Audit chart 10-02-2024

Pepco: Charger Audit Results

L2: 79% | DCFC: 79% | Goal: 97% Uptime

Charger Audit: Pepco EVsmart Network, October 02, 2024

In 2019, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved a pilot program allowing five of the state’s utility companies to own and operate public charging stations. Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) runs one of these networks under the “EVsmart” brand, with 19 DC fast chargers and 233 Level 2 ports spread across 86 locations in its service area. By regulation, Pepco, like other utilities, must maintain 97% uptime for its charging stations. This means that each charging port must operate as intended and supply electricity at least 97% of the time annually, measured in minutes.

On October 2, 2024, I conducted the third in a series of virtual “charger audits” of Pepco’s EVsmart network, checking the online status of all 252 charging ports using the ChargeHub and Shell Recharge apps. While on-site audits provide the most accurate data, conducting them weekly is not feasible. That’s why I’m documenting these online audits to track the status of every port in Maryland’s utility-run charging program remotely.

It’s important to mention that I’ve personally visited all of Pepco’s public charging locations, and I’m familiar with their setups. For some of the stations flagged as offline in this audit, I’ve visited them recently and can confirm that the app status accurately reflected their condition.

79% Availability on October 01, 2024

This audit showed that only 79% of Pepco’s charging ports were online and available or in use, falling well below the 97% uptime target. The chart above reflects a persistent gap, with availability declining from 81% to 79% over the last three weeks. According to uptime standards, any charger offline for more than 11 days a year doesn’t meet the 97% requirement, and many of these ports have already dipped below that threshold.

Olney Manor Rec. Park DCFC Offline

See the video below showing the offline charger at Olney Manor Rec Park Baseball Field (Station ID 43408), which I reported to Shell Recharge on September 28, 2024. The customer service representative said a ticket would be created, but as of today, five days later, the charger remains offline.

Uptime Claims Contradict Performance at Olney Manor Rec Park Baseball Field Charger

The DC fast charger at Olney Manor Rec Park Baseball Field was listed in Pepco’s latest semi-annual report with a reported 98.1% uptime for the period ending June 30, 2024. However, it dispensed only 85 kWh over the first half of the year, a stark contrast to the nearby Olney Manor Rec Park – Left Lot DC fast charger, which delivered 4,354 kWh during the same period. Appendix G of the report, which details monthly kWh delivered by Public Charging Location, reveals this charger delivered no electricity in March, April, or June 2024. This raises concerns about the charger’s actual performance despite its reported uptime.

Public Charging Load Profiles (kWh) – Appendix G

These numbers suggest that something is seriously wrong with this charger, which isn’t reflected in the reported “98.1% uptime.” Given that this site cost over $175,000 to build, the public deserves full transparency about why it’s struggling to provide consistent service.

Reliable public charging stations are vital for EV drivers. Unaddressed hardware, software, or network connectivity issues not only disrupt service but risk undermining public confidence, potentially slowing Maryland’s progress toward widespread EV adoption.

List of Pepco EV Charging Ports that Show Offline on October 2, 2024

Pepco Offline on 2024-10-02

We’ll continue tracking uptime trends and monitoring how quickly offline chargers are repaired in upcoming audits. As more data is collected, it will provide a clearer picture of whether Maryland’s public charging networks are meeting reliability standards and supporting the state’s goals for EV adoption.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to follow @PlugInSites on X and subscribe below for email updates on future charger audits and other EV charging news.

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