Signs Removed to Prevent Enforcement of Anti-ICEing Law


Don’t Want Gas Cars to Get Tickets

Last Tuesday the Howard County Council voted on a bill to authorize the Howard County Police Department to enforce parking restrictions at designated plug-in vehicle charging stations on private property. Within four days, the Columbia Association had taken down all signs that said “EV PARKING ONLY” at their five EV charging stations in the county.

Dennis Mattey, Director of Open Space & Facilities Services at Columbia Association said the “EV PARKING ONLY” signs were taken down in response to the recent Howard County legislation. He said that they didn’t want people to get tickets. According to Mattey, the charging stations were originally approved under the premise that the parking spots not be only for EVs. He said the signs will be replaced with ones that designate EV preferred parking.

Columbia Association Changed Position on Signage

The reason given for removing the signs contradicts the Columbia Association’s earlier position that “EV ONLY” signs were not posted because of the absence of legislation related to EV charging spaces.

In a Columbia Association Newsletter announcing the charging stations in 2014, the reason given as to why the charging spots were not reserved for EVs only was said to be because of the lack of an enforceable law.

“There are several reasons the adjacent parking spaces are not posted as reserved for EV use only. First there is no statute in Maryland or Howard County designating EV charging station sites as a category of privileged parking (such as the signage posted for handicapped parking). Thus, there is no police enforcement mechanism for EV only designation.”


When Howard County passed its anti-ICEing law in July, 2014, the Columbia Association changed the signs from “Electric Vehicle Charging Station” to “EV PARKING ONLY 4 HOUR LIMIT” once they saw there was an enforceable regulation for EV charging station parking.


The advocacy for the Howard County anti-ICEing law was done largely to solve the problem at the Columbia Association charging stations, especially the one near Kahler Hall. Now that a law has been passed, the Columbia Association has reversed their position and cites the existence rather than the lack of an enforceable regulation as the reason not to reserve the charging spaces for EVs only.

A statewide anti-ICEing bill, sponsored by Delegate Clarence Lam, is now before the Maryland General Assembly.

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Howard County Passes Update to Anti-ICEing Law


Allows Police to Enforce on Private Property

In 2014, Howard County Councilmember Jen Terassa sponsored Council Bill 36-2014 which was designed to prohibit ICEing of EV charging stations. The bill passed and a law went into effect a few months later. Soon after, there arose varying interpretations of the Police Department’s legal authority to enforce EV parking spaces on private property. (see: Police: No Authority to Ticket for ICEing on Private Property)

In response, a new bill was introduced by Councilmember Terrasa and co-sponsored by County Council Chairperson Calvin Ball. (see: Message to Maryland EV Advocates from Howard County Council Member Jen Terrasa)

Howard County CB7-2016 will add the following two sentences to the existing anti-ICEing law:

Council Voted to Pass CB7-2016

On March 7, 2016, the County Council voted in favor of CB7-2016. During the vote, Council Chairperson Ball thanked Councilmember Jen Terrasa for her leadership and partnership on this issue. Ball said, “I believe that renewable energy is important and I believe that we should continue moving toward a more sustainable future for our environment.”

Terassa said, “This is an important addition to the bill that we did before.”


Regulatory Signage Needed in Order to be Enforceable

EV drivers shouldn’t get too excited and think that the police can now just write tickets at any and all charging stations in Howard County. The law will require a sign that is at least 12 inches by 18 inches and must meet any applicable State or Federal standards for parking control signs. That means that in order to be enforceable, the sign must meet standards defined in the Federal or Maryland Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Very few charging stations in Howard County have these signs installed. The only place I’ve seen them are at Howard County government charging stations. Importantly, the signs at Columbia Association parking lots do not seem to conform to the standards.

A Role for Local EV Organizations?

It will be a challenge to convince private parking facility owners and managers to post regulatory signs that will allow the police to ticket. Perhaps some of the Maryland-based EV organizations that have memberships, money and influence can take the initiative to get signs that meet the required standards installed at frequently ICEd charging stations in Howard and Montgomery Counties. The Columbia Association Athletic Club would be a good place to begin. (see: Is Graffiti the Right Response to ICEing Problem?)

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Position on Maryland Anti-ICEing Bill HB 839

There is a hearing today on bill HB 839 to prohibit “ICEing” of EV charging stations in the state of Maryland. I will be appearing before the House Environment and Transportation Committee to testify in person along with several other EV drivers and supporters. Here is the written testimony that I have provided to the members of the Committee.

Bill: HB 839 (Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles – Reserved Parking Spaces)
Committee: Environment and Transportation
Hearing Date: March 3, 2016

Chairman Barve and Members of the Committee,

I am an electric car driver from Columbia, Maryland. I have worked closely with Councilmember Hans Riemer of Montgomery County and Jen Terrasa of Howard County on legislation to discourage non-electric cars from parking at charging stations.

I support the general goal of HB 839, but have reservations about three specific details and would like to see the following amendments.


On page 3, strike in their entirety lines 3 and 4, “STATE THAT A MOTOR VEHICLE

On page 3, strike in their entirety lines 5 and 6 “(D) A PLUG–IN ELECTRIC DRIVE

The concern with the requirement that the vehicle be “connected to charging equipment for charging purposes” is that it could leave an innocent EV driver vulnerable to having a car towed or ticketed if someone innocently or maliciously unplugs them. It also prevents the practice of sharing one charging station among several adjacent spaces at long-term parking facilities such as at airports.

An essential element of HB 839 is the definition of a “plug-in electric drive vehicle charging space.” I believe that if the signage and pavement marking requirements are unusually difficult to procure or burdensome to apply, then the required signs or marking are much less likely to be deployed and the bill will not have the desired outcome.

Typically, notice that violators of parking regulations may be towed is placed on large signs at the entrance of parking lots in accordance with state and local trespass tow laws. In my opinion, there is no need to repeat the warning on the regulatory sign designating each charging space.

I propose adopting the sign requirements used in the Howard and Montgomery County laws. Those laws say that the signs must conform to State and Federal standards for parking control signs. The standards that would apply are from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Regulatory signs that are MUTCD compliant are easy to purchase off-the-shelf and have proven to be very effective.

Following are the relevant sections of the Howard and Montgomery County Codes:

Howard Co, MD: A sign that designates a space under this subsection must be at least 12 inches by 18 inches and meet any applicable State or Federal standards for parking control signs.

Montgomery Co, MD: is marked for the use of plug-in vehicles with an official sign that conforms to regulations adopted pursuant to Section 31-23 – (conform in design, color, size and placement to the standards established in the most recent edition of the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.”)

With respect to green pavement markings to designate charging spaces, this requirement is currently unique to Washington State. No other states or local jurisdictions that I am aware of require this.

I believe that the requirement to indicate a charging space by green pavement markings in HB 839 is imprecise and subject to misinterpretation by parking facility managers and law enforcement. Green pavement markings could be a voluntary option or regulated at the local level. For example, the blue rectangles with the International Symbol of Access often found on the pavement at ADA parking spaces are not required by Federal or Maryland law. If ADA parking pavement marking is mandated, it is done so at the local level in Maryland.

Thank you for your efforts to support electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Maryland.

I respectfully request that the Committee grant HB 839 a favorable report only with the stated amendments.


Funds Depleted for Maryland Plug-In Vehicle Excise Tax Credit for Fiscal Year 2016


If you are buying a plug-in electric vehicle in Maryland soon, you may have to wait until July to have your excise tax credit refund processed. According to the Maryland MVA, the funds for fiscal year 2016 are nearly depleted. The MVA says that refunds will be processed beginning in July as long as the application is received.

The following bulletin is dated February 19, 2016

Please be advised, effective immediately (February 19, 2016) the allotted funds for Plug-In electric vehicles for fiscal year 2016 are depleted. We are currently processing a number of applications received that will utilize the remaining amount of funding. Once all funds are exhausted, there will be no additional refunds issued for fiscal year 2016. Please alert your customers to this information prior to their purchase of an electric vehicle.

MVA will continue to accept applications for the excise tax credit until the end of fiscal year, even after the depletion of the fund. Plug-In electric vehicle refunds will resume in July 2016, for vehicles that meet the requirements.


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Howard County Anti-ICEing Bill CB7-2016 Public Hearing

Video of the public hearing on Howard County Council Bill 7-2016 on Feb. 16, 2016.

Lanny Hartmann, Scott Wilson and Vladi Ivanov provided testimony in person. Mark Czajka, Director of MD Volt, Inc. provided written testimony in support of the bill.

Howard County CB7-2016 will add the following two sentences to the existing anti-ICEing law:


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Maryland Anti-ICEing Bill Hearing March 3, 2016 1:00 PM


Environment and Transportation Committee

Maryland House Bill, HB-839 [PDF link] concerning Reserved Parking Spaces for Plug–In Electric Vehicles, is scheduled for a hearing in Annapolis on March 3rd, 2016. The hearing will be before the House Environment and Transportation Committee at 1:00 PM.

HB-839 is sponsored by Delegate Clarence Lam who represents District 12 with parts of Howard and Baltimore Counties. I have spoken with his staff a number of times as this bill was being drafted. The latest update is that they intend to submit an amendment to remove the “connected to charging equipment” language from the bill.

How to Testify

If you wish to testify, you must sign in before the hearing begins. You may also submit written testimony. Be sure to follow the Witness Guidelines for the Environment and Transportation Committee for all written and oral testimony.

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites for details as they develop.

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$100 Fine and Towing Proposed in Maryland “Anti-ICEing” Bill

PlugInSites_org_NJTP_NoParking_SignMaryland State Delegate Clarence Lam has introduced a bill to prohibit parking at a designated EV charging station unless the vehicle is plugged in. The bill, HB-839 [PDF link] concerning Reserved Parking Spaces for Plug–In Electric Vehicles, is the fourth attempt at “anti-ICEing” legislation in the Maryland General Assembly.

Here are highlights of the bill.

Cars Must be Plugged In
UPDATE: The requirement to be connected is subject to be removed.

Unless the vehicle is a plug–in electric drive vehicle that is connected to charging equipment for charging purposes, a person may not stop, stand, or park the vehicle in a designated plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space.

Sign and Green Pavement Markings Specified

A sign designating a plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space shall:
(1) Be at least 18 inches high and 12 inches wide;
(2) Be clearly visible to the driver of a motor vehicle
entering the plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space; and
(3) State that a motor vehicle parked in violation of this section may be ticketed, towed, or removed at the owner’s expense.
(d) A plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space shall be indicated by green pavement markings.

Towing Provision Included

(1) A privately owned parking facility may have a vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked in violation of this section towed or removed in accordance with subtitle 10a of this title.
(2) A parking facility owned by a local jurisdiction may have a vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked in violation of this section ticketed, towed, or removed if authorized by local law.

$100 Fine for ICEing

A person who violates § 21–1003.2 of this article (“unauthorized parking in a plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space”) is subject to a civil penalty of $100.

Hearing Date is March 3, 2016

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites, for details of when the hearing will be held.

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Maryland “Anti-ICEing” Bill Has 9 Co-Sponsors


The statewide “anti-ICEing” law being proposed in Maryland will have nine co-sponsors when it is introduced to the House Environment and Transportation Committee.

Plug In Sites had learned that primary sponsor, Delegate Clarence Lam who represents parts of Howard & Baltimore Counties, has lined up nine co-sponsors including the Chairman of the Environment and Transportation Committee, Kumar Barve.

Members of Environment and Transportation Committee Among Co-Sponsors

In addition to Chairman Barve and Del. Lam, two other members, David Fraser-Hidalgo and Stephen Lafferty, of the 24 member Environment and Transportation Committee are co-sponsors of the bill. This is significant because the first step for the bill is to get out of the Committee and four of the members are presumably already supportive. This is in contrast to SB168, the “HOA charging bill” which had only one co-sponsor and no sponsors on the Judicial Proceedings Committee. That bill was quickly voted down by the Committee.

List of Co-Sponsors

Primary Sponsor: Clarence Lam, Co-Sponsors: Kumar Barve, Eric Ebersole, David Fraser-Hidalgo, Bill Frick, Carol Krimm, Stephen Lafferty, Eric Luedtke, Andrew Platt and Frank Turner.

More Details Soon

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites, we expect to report additional details including the text of the bill and a hearing date shortly.

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Manassas, Virginia Urban Evolution – Featured Plug In Site


On a trip through Virginia this weekend we stopped at a brand new charging station in Manassas to get a little boost of about an hour or 30 miles of range. Normally we stop at the ChargePoint stations at the IBEW Local 26 Training Center just off an exit of I-66. This time we decided to take Route 28 and stop at a new 40 Amp Tesla High Power Wall Connector (HPWC) at Urban Evolution at an office center next to Osbourn Park High School.

Urban Evolution is a gym that specializes in parkour, freerunning, aerial acrobatics and adult gymnastics. They also have locations in Alexandria and Baltimore and all three will have Tesla charging stations. We asked before plugging in and the staff was very friendly and welcoming.

Food options are a pretty long walk up to Liberia and Centerville Roads. The new site of the BadWolf Brewing Company production facility and tap room is at 8420 Kao Circle, just a few doors down. BadWolf Brewing hosted the 2013 Manassas National Plug In Day event at their original location (still in operation) on Center St., near downtown.

Thanks Urban Evolution! It’s always great to see businesses supporting destination charging.


Urban Evolution 8442 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA – 40 Amp Tesla HPWC available to the public.

Stay tuned to @PlugInSites for more Featured Plug In Sites and EV charging news.

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