Testimony – Maryland EVSE Regulation Bill SB 913

Testimony Maryland EVSE Regulation and Oversight Bill SB 913

Education, Energy and the Environment Committee – February 18, 2025

The following is a transcript of my testimony to the Maryland Senate Education, Energy and the Environment Committee on SB 913, “Department of Agriculture – Public Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment – Registration, Regulation, and Oversight.”

This legislation would require the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a program to test the accuracy of public electric vehicle supply equipment, ensure the equipment conforms to certain standards, and to adopt regulations that include requiring an uptime of 97% and establishing civil penalties for non-compliance.

It sounds like a reasonable idea at first. After all, we all want better charger reliability and effective use of public funds. But consider that Maryland already passed a 97% uptime law in 2023 with HB 834, yet it’s been sitting there, largely unenforced by the Public Service Commission while reliability has continued to get worse.

Instead of fixing things, it’s prompted the utilities that own the charging stations to ask for millions more in ratepayer money to replace chargers that aren’t even that old. Now, with SB 913 proposing to add more regulations, there’s a good chance it will raise public EV charging costs without offering much benefit in return. That’s why I’m not convinced that doubling down with the same “uptime” requirements is the right approach at this time.

Maryland already mandates 97% uptime for utility-owned chargers. However, when they fail to meet the standard, the Public Service Commission does not penalize them.

Instead, utilities seek approval to spend millions more to replace equipment that is sometimes less than two years old.

My name is Lanny Hartmann.

I was part of a group of 13 EV drivers that visited nearly every fast charger in the state of Maryland to see how they were working. We went to 304 sites and assessed over 1,000 charging ports. Here’s what we found. Tesla and Rivian, who operate just over half of the ports, were nearly flawless—only two were down. Among the rest of the chargers, 31% were dead, offline, or wouldn’t activate.

Why the discrepancy?

Tesla understands that a positive charging experience is crucial for car sales, so they developed their own Supercharger network, prioritizing reliability.

Now, consider the other half of the chargers we evaluated. Those are operated by various owners and networking providers, many funded through state grants or funded by ratepayers.

The various ownership models, differing business priorities combined with the challenge of maintaining and repairing equipment from third-party vendors all contribute to the performance disparity that we observed.

Maryland already mandates 97% uptime for utility-owned chargers. However, when they fail to meet the standard, the Public Service Commission does not penalize them. Instead, utilities seek approval to spend millions more to replace equipment that is sometimes less than two years old.

Despite the existing mandate and additional spending, the uptime has not significantly improved.

I suggest an amendment to remove the uptime regulations. The many exceptions make them difficult to enforce effectively.

Instead, this bill should focus on providing the Weights and Measures Department with the resources they need.

Thank you.

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Prince George’s County EV-Ready Legislation Advances in Council Vote

Multi-unit dwelling EV charging station

The people of Prince George’s County, Maryland may benefit from more electric vehicle charging infrastructure being installed in new residential and commercial construction, thanks to the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Multifamily and Commercial Developments Act (CB-105-2024). The bill, which recently passed its first phase through the County Council, would require new and significantly renovated developments to include EV charging stations or “EV-Ready” infrastructure in parking lots and garages.

Key Amendments to the Bill

Initially, the legislation proposed that 20% of parking spaces be EV-Ready (pre-wired with a dedicated 40A circuit) and an additional 60% be EV-Capable (having panel capacity and raceways to support future installation). However, recent amendments reduced the EV-Ready requirement to 10%, and the EV-Capable mandate was removed entirely. Additionally, the start date for these requirements has been delayed from January 1, 2025, to January 1, 2027.

Supporting Access to EV Charging

Councilmember Wala Blegay, a key supporter of the bill, believes the legislation is crucial for making EV charging more accessible and convenient for residents. “I personally wanted to buy an EV but frankly didn’t because I saw there were limitations on where I could charge.” 

Ensuring Charging Station Reliability

A key provision of the bill is the EVSE Maintenance Standard, which places responsibility on property owners to maintain EV charging stations in “good condition in all respects, including the functioning of equipment” ensuring that equipment remains functional and reliable—a growing concern in EV infrastructure.

Mixed Reactions

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Maryland Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup to Hold First Meeting

Hearing for Maryland HB1028 EVSE Workgroup
Testifying for Maryland House Bill 1028 establishing the EVSE Workgroup.

New EVSE Workgroup Established by Maryland Legislature to Study Reliability Issues

The Maryland legislature recently passed, and Governor Wes Moore signed into law, SB951/HB1028, establishing the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Workgroup. This Workgroup has been tasked with developing a framework for reliability and reporting standards for EV charging stations. Additionally, the Workgroup will study and make recommendations regarding which government entities should ensure accountability for EV charging stations and propose regulations to address various issues outlined in the legislation. They must produce a report by November 1st.

First Meeting Announcement

The EVSE Workgroup will hold its inaugural meeting on July 9, 2024, from 1:30 – 3:00 PM. This virtual meeting will be hosted via WebEx. You can join the meeting using the following link: WebEx Meeting Link.

You can also dial in by phone at (202) 860-2110, using the access code 23476522148.

Members of the public will have an opportunity to provide verbal comments at the end of the meeting. A recording of the meeting will be available afterward on the Commission’s YouTube channel.

Agenda Highlights

The agenda for the first meeting includes the following key goals:

Statutory Goals:

  • Develop a regulatory framework for the items specified in SB951/HB1028.
  • Determine the responsible entities for implementing the regulatory framework.
  • Develop rules for determining EV charging station uptime and enforcement mechanisms.

Group Goals:

  • Identify what aspects the Workgroup should develop versus what should be handled by implementing agencies.
  • Decide which issues need to be codified in legislation, which should be determined through rulemaking, and which do not require formal rules.

Guiding Principles for Recommendations:

  • Ensure that EV charging stations used by the public operate as advertised.
  • Avoid unduly hampering the deployment of additional EVSE.

Meeting Notice and Agenda Links

You can access the meeting notice and agenda for the July 9, 2024, EVSE Workgroup meeting through the following links:

Meeting Details and Materials

First EVSE Workgroup Meeting Details:

  • Date: July 9, 2024
  • Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Format: Virtual via WebEx (link) or phone at (202) 860-2110 (Access code: 23476522148)
  • Public Comment: Opportunity provided at the meeting’s end.
  • Recording: Available after the meeting on the PSC YouTube Channel (link)

Meeting Materials:

  • Links to the meeting notice and agenda are available on the PSC website at MailLog Number 310679.

New Jersey Enacts EV Charging Uptime Legislation

EV Charging Reliability

New Jersey Bill S3102

Approved by the Governor: 1/16/2024.

New Jersey bill S3102 Establishes uptime requirement for electric vehicle charging station incentive programs.

This statute directs the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to establish a requirement, as a condition of providing any incentive for the installation of electric vehicle service equipment pursuant to P.L.2019, c.362 (C.48:25-1 et seq.) or any other State law, that the station is operational at least 97 percent of the time, as measured on an annual basis. The law also directs the BPU to develop and implement a process to establish, monitor compliance with, and enforce this requirement. As used in the law, “electric vehicle service equipment” means the equipment, including the cables, cords, conductors, connectors, couplers, enclosures, attachment plugs, power outlets, switches and controls, network interfaces, and point of sale equipment and associated apparatus designed and used for the purpose of transferring energy from the electric supply system to a plug-in electric vehicle.

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Testimony – Maryland EV Charging Reliability Bill HB 1028

HB1028 MDGA 2024

Economic Matters Committee – March 6, 2024

The following is a transcript of my testimony to the Maryland Economic Matters Committee in support of HB 1028, “Business Regulation – Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment – Regulations for Retail Use.” This legislation would require the Comptroller to adopt regulations for the retail use of electric vehicle supply equipment in the State that include requiring an uptime of 97% and establishing civil penalties for non-compliance with the regulations.

To build trust in electric vehicles, reliable charging and transparent pricing are essential.

Good afternoon. My name is Lanny Hartmann.

As an electric vehicle driver, I’ve experienced firsthand both the promise and the challenges of relying on public charging.

Over the past decade, I’ve visited hundreds of charging stations across the country. While many function smoothly, especially those on the Tesla network, a significant number of public charging stations struggle with reliability and uptime.

Millions are being invested in Maryland’s charging infrastructure. Reliability, affordability, and user experience are critical for success.

According to the Department of the Environment, Maryland currently has around 4,000 charging ports, and about 20% of them are in need of maintenance.

In my own testing of about 70 fast chargers in central Maryland, I found that nearly a third of them had issues. These problems included damaged connectors, malfunctioning screens, or the charger would stop abruptly or deliver reduced power.

There’s a need for transparency in charging costs and meter accuracy. I once charged at a station in Hagerstown and was later billed $553 on my credit card. While I eventually got a refund for the mistaken billing, it underscores the importance of accurate metering and fair pricing.

To build trust in electric vehicles, reliable charging and transparent pricing are essential. Fortunately, Maryland is leading the way in setting reliability standards for utility-owned charging stations with HB 834 which the General Assembly passed last year.

Now, with this bill, we have the opportunity to expand upon that success and ensure reliability and accountability for all public charging stations in the state.

Thank you.

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Testimony – Maryland Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability Act

Maryland Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability Act Testimony

Economic Matters Committee – March 2, 2023

The following is a transcript of my testimony to the Maryland Economic Matters Committee in support of the Maryland Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability Act (HB 834). The legislation subsequently passed and went into effect on October 1, 2023. This is one of the first laws of its kind in the United States.

We deserve transparency and accountability for EV charging infrastructure that’s being built with public funds.

My name is Lanny Hartmann. I’m an EV driver and a BGE ratepayer.

For years we’ve been told that public charging has 98% uptime, 99% uptime, even 100% uptime.

Last year a study was released by the University of California that looked at the reliability of the fast chargers in the San Francisco Bay Area. The study found that only [72.5%] were functional.

I had my own concerns about charger reliability so I conducted my own test of fast chargers in Maryland. In August I visited all the fast chargers owned and operated by BGE.

What I found was that 71% of them were fully functional. In other words, one out of three were broken.

For every station that didn’t work, I reported the issue to customer service.

I compiled my findings and presented them to the Public Service Commission at a hearing in September. You have that report in my written testimony.

Two months later I visited all 69 stations again. This time I found that only 65% were operational. The reliability had actually gotten worse. 

There is a wide gap between what we’re being told about charging reliability and what EV drivers are actually experiencing.

The PSC and lawmakers need quality data to inform decision making.

We deserve transparency and accountability for EV charging infrastructure that’s being built with public funds.

That’s what this bill would do.

Thank you and I ask for a favorable report.

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Maryland to Penalize EV Drivers Who Are Not Plugged In

Penalize EV Drivers

$100 Fine at Maryland Charging Stations

Governor Larry Hogan signed legislation yesterday that will penalize gas vehicle drivers who block electric vehicle charging stations in Maryland. The same $100 fine will also apply to EV drivers who are not “plugged into charging equipment.”

Unless the vehicle is a plug–in electric drive vehicle that is plugged into charging equipment, a person may not stop, stand, or park a vehicle in a designated plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space.

Maryland Transportation Article §21–1003.2 (B)

Maryland is the 17th state to pass an “anti-ICEing” law to regulate parking at electric vehicle charging stations.

Virginia: Must be Actively Charging

A new Virginia law goes one step further. Beginning July 1st, electric vehicles in Virginia must be “in the process of charging” while in a reserved charging space. A diligent parking enforcement officer could conceivably ticket an EV driver for “ICEing” the instant their vehicle stops charging.

Colorado and New York also require EVs to be actively charging. However, those states give EV drivers a 30-minute grace period to move their car and make an exception for EV charging at airports, hotels and between the hours of 11 PM and 5 AM.

No Signs, No Fines

The Maryland anti-ICEing law cannot be enforced unless the charging station provider wants to post signs that conform to the requirements spelled out in the legislation. Enforceable signs must state the amount of the fine ($100) and meet state standards for parking signs including color, font size and placement height. The regulatory signs, and therefore enforceability, are at the discretion of the charging station provider.

(C) A publicly accessible plug–in electric drive vehicle charging space shall be designated by a sign that:
(1) Indicates that the charging space is only for electric vehicle charging;
(2) Includes any day or time restrictions;
(3) States the maximum fine that may be incurred for a violation; and
(4) Is consistent with the design and placement specifications established in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways adopted by the State Highway Administration under § 25–104 of this article.

Maryland Transportation Article §21–1003.2 (C)

Unenforceable at Tesla Superchargers

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